Results for 'Kirby Q. Maguire'

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  1.  23
    What does evolutionary theory add to stereotype theory in the explanation of attractiveness bias?Kirby Q. Maguire & Timothy P. Racine - 2017 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 40.
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    Implantable Brain Chips? Time for Debate.G. Q. Maguire & Ellen M. McGee - 1999 - Hastings Center Report 29 (1):7-13.
    We have long used mechanical devices to compensate for physical disability. Soon, however, it may be possible to augment mental capacity—to add memory or upgrade processing power. We should ponder the enormous moral implications of the machine‐assisted mind now, before it is accomplished.
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  3. Becoming Borg to Become Immortal: Regulating Brain Implant Technologies.Ellen M. Mcgee & Gerald Q. Maguire - 2007 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 16 (3):291-302.
    Revolutions in semiconductor device miniaturization, bioelectronics, and applied neural control technologies are enabling scientists to create machine-assisted minds, science fiction's “cyborgs.” In a paper published in 1999, we sought to draw attention to the advances in prosthetic devices, to the myriad of artificial implants, and to the early developments of this technology in cochlear and retinal implants. Our concern, then and now, was to draw attention to the ethical issues arising from these innovations. Since that time, breakthroughs have occurred at (...)
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  4. Brain chips: Postpone the debate-GQ Maguire, Jr. and Ellen M. McGee reply.G. Q. Magurie & E. M. McGee - 1999 - Hastings Center Report 29 (6):4-4.
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    On quasiminimal excellent classes.Jonathan Kirby - 2010 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 75 (2):551-564.
    A careful exposition of Zilber's quasiminimal excellent classes and their categoricity is given, leading to two new results: the L ω₁ ,ω (Q)-definability assumption may be dropped, and each class is determined by its model of dimension $\aleph _{0}$.
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    Discussion task demands and revising probabilities in the selection task: A comment on green, over, and Pyne.Mike Oaksford - 1998 - Thinking and Reasoning 4 (2):179 – 186.
    Green, Over, and Pyne's (1997) paper (hereafter referred to as ''GOP") seems to provide a novel approach to examining probabilistic effects in Wason's selection task. However, in this comment, it is argued that their chosen experimental paradigm confounds most of their results. The task demands of the externalisation procedure (Green, 1995) enforce a correlation between card selections and the probability of finding a counterexample, which was the main finding of GOP's experiments. Consequently GOP cannot argue that their data support (...)'s (1994) proposal that people's normal strategy in the selection task is to seek falsifying evidence. Despite this methodological problem, effects of the probability of the antecedent ( p ) of a conditional rule, if p then q , predicted by Kirby (1994) and by Oaksford and Chater (1994) were observed, although they were inconsistent between Experiments 1 and 2. Moreover, the probability estimates that GOP collected, which are not vulnerable to that methodological criticism, do support the idea that when P ( p ) > P ( q ), participants revise P ( p ) down as suggested by Oaksford and Chater (1994). (shrink)
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  7. The Game of Belief.Barry Maguire & Jack Woods - 2020 - Philosophical Review 129 (2):211-249.
    It is plausible that there are epistemic reasons bearing on a distinctively epistemic standard of correctness for belief. It is also plausible that there are a range of practical reasons bearing on what to believe. These theses are often thought to be in tension with each other. Most significantly for our purposes, it is obscure how epistemic reasons and practical reasons might interact in the explanation of what one ought to believe. We draw an analogy with a similar distinction between (...)
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  8. The Value-Based Theory of Reasons.Barry Maguire - 2016 - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy 3.
    This paper develops the Value-Based Theory of Reasons in some detail. The central part of the paper introduces a number of theoretically puzzling features of normative reasons. These include weight, transmission, overlap, and the promiscuity of reasons. It is argued that the Value-Based Theory of Reasons elegantly accounts for these features. This paper is programmatic. Its goal is to put the promising but surprisingly overlooked Value-Based Theory of Reasons on the table in discussions of normative reasons, and to draw attention (...)
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  9. There Are No Reasons for Affective Attitudes.Barry Maguire - 2018 - Mind 127 (507):779-805.
    A dogma of contemporary ethical theory maintains that the nature of normative support for affective attitudes is the very same as the nature of normative support for actions. The prevailing view is that normative reasons provide the support across the board. I argue that the nature of normative support for affective attitudes is importantly different from the nature of normative support for actions. Actions are indeed supported by reasons. Reasons are gradable and contributory. The support relations for affective attitudes are (...)
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    Compression and communication in the cultural evolution of linguistic structure.Simon Kirby, Monica Tamariz, Hannah Cornish & Kenny Smith - 2015 - Cognition 141 (C):87-102.
  11. Neuroimaging studies of autobiographical event memory.Eleanor A. Maguire - 2002 - In Alan Baddeley, John Aggleton & Martin Conway, Episodic Memory: New Directions in Research : Originating from a Discussion Meeting of the Royal Society. Oxford University Press.
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  12. Love in the Time of Consequentialism.Barry Maguire - 2017 - Noûs 51 (4):686-712.
    There are several powerful motivations for neutral value‐based deontic theories such as Act Consequentialism. Traditionally, such theories have had great difficulty accounting for partiality towards one's personal relationships and projects. This paper presents a neutral value‐based theory that preserves the motivations for Act Consequentialism while vindicating some crucial intuitions about reasons to be partial. There are two central ideas. The first is that when it comes to working out what you ought to do, your friends’ interests, the needs of your (...)
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  13.  35
    Self-Processing and the Default Mode Network: Interactions with the Mirror Neuron System.Istvan Molnar-Szakacs & Lucina Q. Uddin - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
  14. Normative metaphysics for accountants.Barry Maguire & Justin Snedegar - 2020 - Philosophical Studies 178 (2):363-384.
    We use normative reasons in a bewildering variety of different ways. And yet, as many recent theorists have shown, one can discern systematic distinctions underlying this complexity. This paper is a contribution to this project of constructive normative metaphysics. We aim to bring a black sheep back into the flock: the balancing model of weighing reasons. This model is threatened by a variety of cases in which distinct reasons overlap, in the sense that they do not contribute separate weight for (...)
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    The Effect of Isomorphic Pressure on Socially and Environmentally Responsible Procurement in the United Kingdom.Adam Adrien-Kirby, Stephen Brammer & Andrew Millington - 2008 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 19:93-101.
    This study assesses the impact had by institutional isomorphic pressures in the organisational fields of 185 businesses operating within the United Kingdom. The emphasis throughout is on how external institutions affect the socially and environmentally responsible aspects of an organization’s purchasing practice. Factor analyses and a linear regression model are employed to test the influence of these pressures. Initial findings suggest that what other industry participants are doing in this area is not as important in affecting the procurement practice of (...)
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    Revelations of character: ethos, rhetoric, and moral philosophy in Montaigne.Corinne Noirot-Maguire & Valérie M. Dionne (eds.) - 2007 - Newcastle, U.K.: Cambridge Scholars Press.
    The untranslatable and intriguing notion of ethos (mores, goodness, character, etc.) contrasts in Ancient rhetoric with pathos and logos, the other two pisteis or means of persuasion. Rhetorical ethos is characterized by ambivalence; is it essentially extra- or intra-discursive? an effect of the soul or an effective simulacrum? stable or circumstantial? As a discursive image, an artefact of speech, ethos remains problematic in its legitimacy. As shown in this volume, Montaigne's readings of Ancient theories of ethos resonate in the Essais. (...)
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  17. Supremum Caput: Richard Hooker's Theology of Ecclesiastical Dominion'.W. J. Torrance Kirby - forthcoming - Dionysius.
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    An Examination into the Embryo Disposal Practices of Human Fertilization and Embryology Authority Licenced Fertility Centers in the United Kingdom.Abigail Maguire - 2021 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 30 (1):161-174.
    When fertility centers dispose of embryos, how should this be done? Current regulatory guidelines by the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority state that, when terminating the development of human embryos, a clinic should act with sensitivity, taking account of the embryo’s “special status” and respecting the interests of the gamete providers and recipients. As yet, it is unclear as to how and to what extent this achieved within fertility clinics in the UK. Resultantly, this paper examines the largely undocumented domain (...)
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  19.  29
    Function, Selection, and Innateness: The Emergence of Language Universals.Simon Kirby - 1999 - Oxford University Press UK.
    This book explores issues at the core of modern linguistics and cognitive science. Why are all languages similar in some ways and in others utterly different? Why do languages change and change variably? How did the human capacity for language evolve, and how far did it do so as an innate ability? Simon Kirby looks at these questions from a broad perspective, arguing that they can be studied together. The author begins by examining how far the universal properties of (...)
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  20. The Alienation Objection to Consequentialism.Barry Maguire & Calvin Baker - 2020 - In Douglas W. Portmore, The Oxford Handbook of Consequentialism. New York, USA: Oup Usa.
    An ethical theory is alienating if accepting the theory inhibits the agent from fitting participation in some normative ideal, such as some ideal of integrity, friendship, or community. Many normative ideals involve non-consequentialist behavior of some form or another. If such ideals are normatively authoritative, they constitute counterexamples to consequentialism unless their authority can be explained or explained away. We address a range of attempts to avoid such counterexamples and argue that consequentialism cannot by itself account for the normative authority (...)
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  21.  19
    Ethically Informed Pragmatic Conditions for Organ Donation after Cardiocirculatory Death: Could They Assist in Policy Development?Jeffrey Kirby - 2013 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 24 (4):373-380.
    The modern practice of organ donation after cardiocirculatory death (DCD) emerged in the 1990s as a response to the alarmingly wide gap between the number of transplantable organs available through organ donation after neurological death and the urgent organ transplantation needs of persons in end-organ failure. Various important ethical dimensions of DCD have been considered and debated by prominent organ donation/transplantation theorists and clinicians.In this article, consideration of some of these ethical elements provides a foundation for a proposed set of (...)
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  22. Akhlāq-i Islāmī va ādāb-i ijtimāʻī.Niʻmat Allāh Vas̲īq - 2008 - Pishāvar: Maktabah-ʼi ʻIlm va Farhang.
    Bakhsh-i avval. Akhlāq-i Islāmī -- Bakhsh-i duvvum. Ādāb-i ijtimāʻī.
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  23. Biophilia.Christopher Kirby - 2011 - In R. K. Rasmussen, Encyclopedia of Environmental Issues.
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    On the Varieties of Religious Rationality: Plato versus the New Atheists.Joseph Morrill Kirby - 2015 - Cosmos and History 11 (1):69-102.
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    Certainty, Reliability, and Visual Images.Kris N. Kirby - 1992 - Mind and Language 7 (4):402-408.
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    Magic and Money in the Early Middle Ages.Henry Maguire - 1997 - Speculum 72 (4):1037-1054.
    In the Middle Ages, as today, the concept of magic meant different things to different people. Broadly speaking, it is possible to distinguish between two categories of definitions. To the first category, which may be called external, belong the definitions of magic provided by modern anthropologists, who seek, probably in vain, to find common denominators of “magic” in all human societies. The second category, which may be called internal, is composed of the definitions provided by individual societies or by groups (...)
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  27. Special Issue on Complexity and Management: Where Are We.S. Maguire & B. McKelvey - 1999 - Emergence: Complexity and Organization 1 (2):19-61.
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    The Revolution in Death Consciousness.Daniel Maguire - 1982 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 57 (4):502-513.
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  29. Transnational Gestational Surrogacy: Does It Have to Be Exploitative?Jeffrey Kirby - 2014 - American Journal of Bioethics 14 (5):24-32.
    This article explores the controversial practice of transnational gestational surrogacy and poses a provocative question: Does it have to be exploitative? Various existing models of exploitation are considered and a novel exploitation-evaluation heuristic is introduced to assist in the analysis of the potentially exploitative dimensions/elements of complex health-related practices. On the basis of application of the heuristic, I conclude that transnational gestational surrogacy, as currently practiced in low-income country settings , is exploitative of surrogate women. Arising out of consideration of (...)
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  30. al-Ḥāfiẓ Ibn Abī al-Dunyā wa-al-taʼsīs li-makārim al-akhlāq.Akkarīkkar Shafīq - 2023 - In Mutaz Khatib, Ḥadīth and ethics through the lens of interdisciplinarity. Boston: Brill.
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    Stimulus-dependent flexibility in non-human auditory pitch processing.Micah R. Bregman, Aniruddh D. Patel & Timothy Q. Gentner - 2012 - Cognition 122 (1):51-60.
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  32. An Opinionated Guide to the Weight of Reasons.Barry Maguire & Errol Lord - 2016 - In Errol Lord & Barry Maguire, Weighing Reasons. New York, NY: Oxford University Press USA.
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    Dilemmas and Developments: Eavan Boland Re-examined.Sarah Maguire - 1999 - Feminist Review 62 (1):58-66.
    In ‘The Woman Poet: Her Dilemma’ (1986—7), the Irish poet Eavan Boland argued that women poets were obstructed on the one hand by traditional ideas of femininity and poetry, and on the other by the demands of separatist feminism. In ‘Dilemmas and Developments: Eavan Boland Re-examined’ Sarah Maguire argues that in recent years women poets have clearly achieved greater confidence as a result of changes in their audience. However, the underlying dilemma facing a woman poet — that of the (...)
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  34.  48
    Brain connectivity in autism.Rajesh K. Kana, Lucina Q. Uddin, Tal Kenet, Diane Chugani & Ralph-Axel Mã¼Ller - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  35.  31
    Initial Segments of Models of Peano's Axioms.L. A. S. Kirby, J. B. Paris, A. Lachlan, M. Srebrny & A. Zarach - 1983 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 48 (2):482-483.
  36. The evolution of language.Simon Kirby - 2009 - In Robin Dunbar & Louise Barrett, Oxford Handbook of Evolutionary Psychology. Oxford University Press.
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    Synesthesia, Cross-Modality, and Language Evolution.Simon Kirby & Christine Cuskley - 2013 - In Julia Simner & Edward M. Hubbard, Oxford Handbook of Synesthesia. Oxford University Press.
    In this chapter we suggest that the origin of language, specifically the protolinguistic stage, was iconic rather than arbitrary, and fundamentally based on shared cross-modal associations. We provide evidence from natural language in the form of sound symbolism, distinguishing conventional sound symbolism from sensory sound symbolism. Sensory sound symbolism, or the presence of iconicity in natural language, is considered alongside psychological experiments in naming, and other investigations of cross-modal associations specifically involving linguistic sound. This evidence supports the idea that we (...)
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    Towards a holistic definition of death: the biological, philosophical and social deficiencies of brain stem death criteria.Abigail Maguire - 2019 - The New Bioethics 25 (2):172-184.
    With no statutory definition of death, the accepted medical definition relies on brain stem death criteria as a definitive measure of diagnosing death. However, the use of brain stem death criteria in this way is precarious and causes widespread confusion amongst both medical and lay communities. Through critical analysis, this paper considers the insufficiencies of brain stem death. It concludes that brain stem death cannot be successfully equated with either biological death or the loss of integrated bodily function. The overemphasis (...)
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    Balancing Legitimate Critical-Care Interests: Setting Defensible Care Limits Through Policy Development.Jeffrey Kirby - 2016 - American Journal of Bioethics 16 (1):38-47.
    Critical-care decision making is highly complex, given the need for health care providers and organizations to consider, and constructively respond to, the diverse interests and perspectives of a variety of legitimate stakeholders. Insights derived from an identified set of ethics-related considerations have the potential to meaningfully inform inclusive and deliberative policy development that aims to optimally balance the competing obligations that arise in this challenging, clinical decision-making domain. A potential, constructive outcome of such policy engagement is the collaborative development of (...)
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    Derrida: Screenplay and Essays on the Film.Kirby Dick & Directors Ziering Kofman - 2005 - Routledge.
    First Published in 2005. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
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  41. Heroin addicts have higher discount rates for delayed rewards than non-drug-using controls.Kris Kirby, Nancy Petry & Warren Bickel - 1999 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 128 (1):78–87.
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  42. Supremum Caput: Richard Hooker's Theology of Ecclesiastical Dominion.Wjt Kirby - 1988 - Dionysius 12:69-110.
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    Steps towards a logic of natural objects.Laurence Kirby - 2002 - Epistemologia 25 (2):225-244.
  44.  11
    A moral creed for all Christians.Daniel C. Maguire - 2005 - Minneapolis: Fortress Press.
    The empire/servility syndrome -- How to read the Bible -- Reimagining the world -- Justice, Bible-style -- Prophets : the connoisseurs of Tsedaqah -- If you want peace, build it -- Peace : how ideals die-- and can be reborn -- Truth and the tincture of the will -- When freedom is a virtue -- Hope vs. the cringe -- Exploring love -- Song of joy.
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    Plasticity in the GABAergic regulation of the HPA axis (comment on DOI 10.1002/bies.201300178).Jamie Maguire - 2014 - Bioessays 36 (6):546-546.
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    Two Poets.C. E. Maguire - 1933 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 8 (3):396-409.
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  47. A neurologically plausible model of individual differences in visual mental imagery.Stephen M. Kosslyn, Michael H. Van Kleeck & Kris N. Kirby - 1990 - In P. J. Hampson, D. F. Marks & Janet Richardson, Imagery: Current Developments. Routledge.
  48.  13
    Compositionality and Linguistic Evolution.Simon Kirby & Kenny Smith - 2012 - In Markus Werning, Wolfram Hinzen & Edouard Machery, The Oxford Handbook of Compositionality. Oxford University Press.
    The productivity of language is subserved by two structural properties: language is recursive, which allows the creation of an infinite number of utterances, and language is compositional, which makes the interpretation of novel utterances possible. A potential explanation for the linkage between the functional properties of compositionality and the compositional structure of language is that this fit arose through cultural, rather than biological, evolution. In order to argue that the compositional structure of language is a product of cultural evolution, it (...)
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    Feminist conversations with Vicki Kirby and Elizabeth A. Wilson.Elizabeth A. Wilson & Vicki Kirby - 2011 - Feminist Theory 12 (2):227-234.
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    Responding to cDCDD Ethical Challenges: Translating Analysis Into Policy Action.Jeffrey Kirby - 2015 - American Journal of Bioethics 15 (8):27-29.
    Overby and colleagues (2015) draw our critical attention to a variety of ethical challenges associated with the practice of controlled donation after circulatory determination of death (cDCDD). Alt...
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